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  • Asian Egg Donors

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  • MLang Surrogacy's Online Database of Egg Donors and Surrogate Mothers.


    • Our surrogate mothers come from the United States, Canada and the Philippines. American and Canadian surrogate  can only be transplanted in the home country clinic. Filipino surrogate can travel to a clinic to transplant in any country.

    • For the sake of confidentiality/Privacy, Our surrogate database all was pixelated/hidden, if you want to find a surrogate mother, and check her profile, you first need to Register and Login, and get your authorization before you view the database, their profile include: Name, Age, Date of birth, Weight, Height, Location, Marital Status, Job, Health Insurance Information, Pregnancy History, Deliveries, Husband/Partner Information, Family Information, General Health Information, Surrogacy Journey Question, the photos of the surrogate and her family.

    • If you are interested in a surrogate mother and want to match her, you can fill [FUTURE PARENT PROFILE], We will send your profile to the surrogate, If she also agrees to go to the next step , we will make a video/face meeting . After the meeting, if you and the surrogate are all feel good and agree to match, you will signed THE SURROGHATE MATCHING SERVICE AGREEMENT and start the normal process.



    • If you want to find an egg donor, you can Register and Login, then view our the Egg Donors Database.We have both the European American egg donors and the Asian egg donors, which will meet the requirment of different intended parents.
    • Start registered.

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