Successful Cases

    We have multiple successful cases in:

  • Britain,
  • France,
  • Canada,
  • Taiwan,
  • Malaysia, Singapore, Japan.

    And,looking forward to having you join us !


Super Low-Cost Surrogate Mother

Shipping Cost

Usually falls somewhere around $1500-$3000

Offers Insurance Options

100% professional and safe

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Transport Embryos Internationally

For Surrogate Transfer

Intended parents around the world struggle with infertility and may have the need to find a surrogate mother.

However, due to many factors, such as illegality of surrogacy in your country, and the difficulty of finding an affordable and trustworthy surrogate mother, it can be a challenge to embark upon this process.

Relying on the rich experience, MLang Surrogacy is now launching a service of “Transport Embryos internationally for Surrogate Transfer”, where you create embryos at your local clinic and then ship them to a designated clinic l in Cambodia for transfer to our Filipino surrogates.

We have multiple successful cases in Britain, France, Canada, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan. And, we are looking forward  to having you join us !

Here is what you need to know about ship embryos internationally

Intended parents often have questions about transporting frozen embryos from one fertility clinic to another, especially if those embryos are about to cross the different country.

It’s completely understandable—those embryos are the result of a lot of time, money and hope, so they mean a lot to you.

To help you prepare for your embryos’ journey, here are the answers to five frequently asked questions about shipping embryos:

  • 1. How to international transport embryos?

    International transfers of IVF: frozen embryos, sperm, eggs and cells between fertility clinics and medical laboratories worldwide, all are done by a professional courier company. 

    Usually, after receiving the Intended Parents’ shipping request, we will contact both clinics(releasing clinic and receiving clinic) and professional courier companies. They will communicate in advance about embryo/egg freezing method,freezing media, legal,customs,etc, to confirm that the embryos can be shipped. All are completed, teams will work together to finish the transportation of the embryos.

    Courier partner: KYNISI IVF Cryo Courier,CryoStork,ARKCryo. You can also use the courier of your choice.

  • 2. Is it legal to transporting embryos in my country?

    The legality of Gender Selection with IVF,Surrogacy,Egg Donation,Sperm Donation varies from country to country, with dramatically differing laws and rules around the world.

    Some countries prohibit all forms of surrogacy, including China,France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Bulgaria.

    Is it legal or not to transporting embryos in your country, you can do it yourself or authorize us to consult your IVF clinic.

  • 3. Does Shipping Embryos Damage Them or Affect Viability?

     No. Vitrification is a far more efficient method to cryopreserve oocytes/embryos,This method can keep the temperature of those eggs/embryos stays below - 120℃ and without becoming damaged. 

    Cryopreserved oocytes/embryos are typically kept in cryo-storage tanks that are filled with liquid nitrogen (LN). The temperature of liquid nitrogen is -196 Celsius.

    When transporting embryos,we remove the eggs/embryos from the tank and place them in a “shipping dewar”to keep them cold, and this dry shipper can maintain a low temperature between -150 and -190 Celsius for several days (or even over a week),until the receiving clinic unpacks the container and places the eggs/embryos in their own storage tanks (with liquid nitrogen). 

    Shipping embryos does not hurt them or affect their viability when done correctly, Clinics success rates show it is. It’s common to ship embryos and, if there’s an issue with those embryos, it’s usually because the embryos themselves were low quality or (possible, but less likely) they were damaged in the freezing or thawing process.

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